What to bring to the shooting range?
When organizing your trip to a gun range, you should consider the key components that will make your experience as smooth and effective as it possibly can be. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a shooting range: what essentials to wear and what to store in your bag.
Article content
- Appropriate Clothing
- Safety Equipment
- Magazine Speed Loader
- Cleaning Kit and Gun Oil
- Notebook or Note-taking App
1. Appropriate Clothing
The importance of clothing for a gun range can’t be underestimated. It’s vital to feel comfortable and safe to ensure the best possible experience.
Start with a shooting range itself: is it indoor or outdoor? The first option is much more predictable and doesn’t require extra efforts. Keep in mind that indoor ranges are climate controlled so don’t wear too much clothing and don’t put on anything heavy. If talking about outdoor ranges, be prepared that weather can vary during the day. Thus, take a waterproof coat, some warm clothes, and something comfortable in case it’s hot.
Remember that clothing for a shooting range should be tactical and predict all possible inconveniences.
Some general tips on clothing for a gun range: choose long pants, closed-toe shoes and a comfortable shirt. Also, take sunscreen, allergy relief meds, bug spray and everything you require due to seasonal weather conditions.
2. Safety Equipment
It’s obvious that the less time you spend on thinking about safety and comfort, the more time you have on doing what you came for: shooting and scoring your results. Most shooting ranges provide some general equipment but it’s always more pleasant to have your customized safety equipment.
Start with essential shooting gear which is mandatory for most gun ranges: eye and ear protection. You should take into account that people at the range can have very loud muzzle brakes, so we recommend choosing ear muffs over the simple ear plugs.
If talking about eye protection, simple sunglasses or glasses can be enough during a day. If you plan to stay at the gun range when it gets dark, choose specialized shooting glasses.
3. Magazine Speed Loader
Time is precious, especially when you have only this single day planned at the shooting range. Why spend it reloading magazines? You can save time, stress, and your thumbs while using this magazine loader.
You should consider a multi-platform loader if you use different mags. If you use assault rifles like AR15 or AK, you can use a PODAVACH speedloader, which is designed to load 5 different calibers: 5.56×45mm, .223, 300 BLK, 5.45×39mm and 7.62×39mm.
Besides saving time (it allows for charging a mag in 15 seconds), it’s lighter than a loaded mag and the pusher is held by a magnet, so it’s nearly impossible to lose it. The loader is adapted for using it both on the smooth surface and on the knees. Also, Podavach is designed for any kind of weather, whether it’s sunny or raining heavily.
4. Cleaning Kit and Gun Oil
A day at the gun range will be smooth and successful if you take care of your comfort and keep your guns operating in an accurate way. Just pick up a portable gun-cleaning kit in case you need to clean your weapons while at the shooting range. Choose the one which doesn’t need a whole lot of room in your bag so you won’t feel like you overpacked.
Gun oil will also be useful if you want to prevent some unexpected situations. It’s easy to acquire and a small quantity of it doesn’t take up much space.
5. Notebook or Note-taking App
There can be a lot of reasons to keep a piece of paper and a pen nearby. Moreover, you should have a special notebook you always take to shooting ranges to keep all the data in one place. You can replace this classic method with some note-taking apps like Evernote, Google Keep, or Zoho Notebook. It will allow you to always have your notes with you and decrease chances to lose all this precious information.
Notebook or app will help you document your activities: what problems did you have while shooting or how’s this new ammo working out for you?
Notebook or app will help you document your activities: what problems did you have while shooting or how’s this new ammo working out for you? Also, you can write down some useful tips you received from people at the range or some great products they showed. Why lose this important info?
Make sure that your next trip to a shooting range is safe and comfortable. That’s what can bring you an unforgettable experience and new achievements.