Well, yes, it is our 5th anniversary. And like on birthdays parents love to look through the photo album of the birthday boy growing up, we share a retrospective of our U-Loaders with you. So let's cut to the chase!
The prototype of 1st U-Loader that can load both AR15 and AK platforms
Finally, we modified our invention to make it fit for 5.45mm and 5.56mm platforms and with less weight. Kind of a milestone for PODAVACH, because from that moment, it became the U-Loader where “U” is for “Universal”.
After a bunch of visual and ergonomic enhancements, like engraving, shape adjustment, and pusher improvement, a new series of U-Loader with sleeker design and in multiple colors were shown to the world. More lightweight, handy, and handsome than ever before!
U-Loader v5.4 in three design variations. That was our appearance for about a 2016 year.
That was the moment when it started to get tricky in demands of our user community and we needed newer, better products in the product line. Our production grew from a garage workshop into a small but mighty manufactory. So, if there’s a room for choice and improvement, why not make U-Loaders to fit each style, so that everyone could pick their own! With that idea in mind, we created the 5.5 U-Loader series.
U-Loader v5.5. Besides, there was an option of white pusher.
Throughout the year, we have been adding new colors and thinking about what to change in U-Loader to make it even more awesome.
So on, a lightweight and daring version was released in the summer of 2017. And the name was PODAVACH FURY.
Polishing, optimizing, and testing, we went through a good dozen of various versions through the last 5 years and landed on U-Loader 8.0. It is both the latest and the most popular loader variation we have developed, with over 20 K items sold and going.
That's how we came to what PODAVACH looks like now! But there’s still so much ahead. Check our present U-Loaders AR-15+AK here.
Stay tuned!